Long's Project Portfolio Page

Project: Advanced&Efficient (A&E)

Advanced&Efficient helps Emergency Department (ED) doctors in logging patient reports and connecting patients with relevant departments and doctors under time pressure during an emergency.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Features

  • Added Record attributes (#86)
    • Implementation of new attributes in the Record class, enhancing its functionality and relevance to Emergency Department operations. The attributes were carefully designed to capture essential patient information needed in emergency situations.
  • Updated Record and RecordTest (#98)
    • Updated refined the Record class's functionality and included comprehensive testing to ensure reliability. The tests were aimed at validating the new features and ensuring they met the requirements of an emergency setting.
  • Updated EditCommand, EditCommandParser, and ParserUtil (#103)
    • Focused on improving the edit functionality, allowing for more efficient and accurate updates to patient records. It included updates to the command parser for better handling of user inputs and modifications to utility classes for enhanced parsing capabilities.
  • Added Record for data storage (#164)
    • Introduced a new data storage through the Record class, facilitating the secure and efficient storage of patient data.
  • Added JsonAdaptedRecordTest (#266)
    • Implemented tests for the JsonAdaptedRecord class to ensure the integrity and correctness of JSON serialization and deserialization processes. This was vital for maintaining data consistency across the application.

Enhancement to existing features:

  • Improved UI (#129)
    • Focused on enhancing the user interface to make it more intuitive and user-friendly for ED doctors. This involved redesigning layouts, improving navigation, and optimizing user interaction for emergency situations.

Contributions to the UG:

  • Wrote Introduction & resized images (#165)
    • Crafted the introductory section of the User Guide, setting the tone and context for users. Also, resized and optimized images for better readability and faster loading times.
  • Updated list and delete features (#51)
    • Revised the documentation for the list and delete features, ensuring they are clear and easy to understand.
  • Updated features: Find, Help, List, Clear, Exit (#244)
    • Provided comprehensive updates to several key features in the User Guide, ensuring that the instructions are accurate, up-to-date, and user-friendly.

Contributions to the DG:

  • Updated Storage & Data archiving part. (#249)
    • Enhanced the sections on Storage and Data Archiving in the Developer Guide, providing detailed explanations and diagrams to assist other developers in understanding and contributing to these critical components.

Contributions to team-based tasks:

  • Maintaining the issue tracker & website
  • Updating user/developer docs (as above)

Review/mentoring contributions:

  • Reviewed and Merged various PRs from team members (e.g., #68, #78, #88, #89, #108, #135, #229).
  • Checked compiled and checkstyle errors